Christopher Diep or Chris Diep headshot

Hi, I'm

Christopher Diep 🙂

As a software engineer, I enjoy solving problems and continually learning. I graduated with a bachelor's in chemistry and then worked in tech support where I discovered programming. Afterwards, I attended Flatiron School in New York City (NYC) and built awesome apps.

Now I'm living in NYC. Programming is fun: I can build stuff and there is always something new to learn! My curiosity continues to make me hungry for more knowledge and more challenges.

Learn about what I do

Here's all the stuff I do. 💻

My approach is to solve problems for people and make a valuable impact.


The best way to understand a topic is to explain it to someone. I used to tutor in math and chemistry. Flatiron School encourages the collaborative learning environment. Overall, the tech community is open to helping each other out.


It is important to understand the fundamentals behind languages and tools. Give me time and I will figure it out. Here's my current list of languages: Ruby & JavaScript. Here's some more skills: SQL & relational databases, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Express.js, and React.js

Adding Value

In the end, I want to add value. I want to add a feature that works and is widely used. I want to fix bugs. The goal is to complete it all in a timely manner. Creating maintainable code is an effort much like my personal life. There's always room for improvement!

Here’s some stuff I made. 🛠️

Check out the demo videos.

Flatiron Feelz

A blogging platform to share your feelings by taking a selfie, choosing a spirit dog, writing a blog post, and chatting.

Mock Stocks Portfolio

A web app for creating an account and buying stocks with your $5000 worth of play money. Invest wisely!


A social network bringing people together based on hometowns, places lived, places traveled, and dream destinations.

Get in touch with me. 💬

Email me or connect with my online profiles. It's up to you!

Connect with Me